What is Asbestos?
They can float in the air and inhaled into the lungs without you noticing. Large-scale asbestos mining began in the 19th Century thanks to the mineral’s properties that made it desirable for building materials and very widely used.
Health Hazards
It is when asbestos is disturbed, releasing the fibres into the air that the risks are greater. While many of the fibres are removed with your body’s natural defences (coughing), some remain there. Depending on the amount you retain, it can have a host of health problems from Asbestosis (a chronic lung disease) to Mesothelioma (a cancer of the outer lung lining).
Your Home
The roof is one of the most common places for asbestos to exist. It has the ability to stay hidden there for years. It is important to make sure that any asbestos you have hiding in your roof is removed in the safest way possible. This will make your home and safer and healthier place for you to live in.
Asbestos Removal
By hiring one of the experience professionals at Zen Roofing, you can ensure your home becomes asbestos free in the safest way possible. This will not only protect you, but asbestos can weaken your tiles, so your roof will become stronger in the process. Call today to arrange your quote so you can have your home sorted as soon as possible.
Related Tags: Asbestos Removal Brisbane
I like that you mention how getting asbestos testing can help you avoid health hazards. My brother is looking to get his house tested since he has four kids. I’ll be sure to talk to him about the health hazards so he can hire a professional and get that taken care of.
Hi Kyle,
To get it tested can be inexpensive. I don’t recommend chipping off bits of wall or ceiling but if you are able to get a small bit of Fibro (from a wall that may be cracked already) and put it in a sealed bag. most labs will test it for asbestos for less then $50. Just google asbestos labs in your local area.
I didn’t realize that asbestos was really widely used during the 19th century. It’s interesting to me that there is such a big need for asbestos disposal now because of the problems associated with it. Maybe I’ll have to look into hiring someone to make sure that we get it taken care of in our home.
This is a very sensitive topic. I really like the way this article described such a brief info regarding the asbestos.I like it, especially b’coz it has contained all the valuable lessons very efficiently.This is something really helpful.